Course Content
Common Menu Commands of Windows Application
Windows 7
About Lesson

Components of Window:

Title bar

Control buttons

Menu bar



Any number of windows can be opened at a time but one can be activated.

Changing between Opened Windows:

Click on visible area of inactive window to make it active


Click on icon of inactive window on taskbar

Using Control Buttons of Window:

  1. Click on Minimize button to make window as an icon on taskbar
  2. Click on Maximize button to make window full screen
  3. Click on Restore Down button to change window from full screen to previous size
  4. Click on close button to close window

Using Title bar to resize or move window:

  1. Double click on title bar to change to full screen/restore down mode
  2. Drag title bar to move window
  3. Keep mouse pointer on the edge of window and drag to resize

Arrange opened windows:

Right click on empty area of taskbaràShow windows cascase/sidebyside

You can also undo the arrangement with the same menu immediately.

Minimizing all windows at a time:

Right click on the taskbaràshow the desktop command


Place mouse pointer on the show desktop button at bottom right corner taskbar to temporarily view desktop.  Clicking on the same button will cause minimize all opened windows.

Arranging Opened Windows:

  1. Right click on the taskbar
  2. Select any one of the following:
    1. Cascade Windows
    2. Tile Windows Horizontally
    3. Tile Windows Vertically
  3. To rearrange the windows back to their previous positions: right click on taskbaràundo cascade/tile

Shutdown is the process of closing all programs properly before turn off the system.

Turn off computer:

StartmenuàTurn offàturnoff

Menu bar:

Menu is a list of commands.  The menu bar of a window consists of menu pads/titles for a group of commands.

Menu commands that have an arrow symbol at right side indicates a sub menu. 

Menu commands that are appeared dim indicate that they are not available at present. 

Menu commands with following dots (…) indicate that a dialog box would follow to accept additional options. 

Context or pop menu is displayed when we right clicked. 

Default action is highlighted in context menu.



Keyboard shortcut is the combination of keys to be pressed simultaneously to perform an equivalent mouse action.

Hot key is an underlined character in a menu command that appears when the menu has been opened with the help of keyboard.

Using Control Menu of a Window:

  1. Open any Window like Mycomputer, Windows Explorer, MyMusic etc.
  2. Press Alt+spacebar to open control menu
  3. Use arrows to highlight a commandàEnter (or) Press Hotkey (Underlined character)

Other Windows Keyboard Shortcuts:

Minimise all windows at a time: Windows+M/D

Close a menu: Esc

Close current window: alt+F4

Types of Dialog boxes in Windows O/s:

  1. Alert/Confirmation Box
  2. Dialog box
  3. Message Box

Alert or Confirmation box is used to take confirmation from user before proceeding for his selected action or command.

A Dialog box is a special window that appears when some additional options are to be selected for a menu command.

Message box is used to provide some information to the user.

General Components of a Windows Dialog box:

  1. Command Buttons: Used to confirm an action
  2. List Box: opened list of items allows to select an item
  3. Text Box: used to accept input from user
  4. Combo boxes: combination of List Box and list box
  5. Drop Down List: initially shows one value along with down arrow which opens a hidden list
  6. Radio Buttons: Circle shaped options.  One must be keep selected.  More than one selection is not allowed.
  7. Check boxes: square shaped boxes used to set options.  All/desired checkboxes can be deselected/selected
  8. Sliders: drag the slider to change values
  9. Spinners: used to increase or decrease numeric values
  10. Scroll bars: used to move through content of window.  Automatically appear/hide based on window size
  11. Page Tabs: Used to categorize the commands of a dialog box based on type.

Controlling dialog box with keyboard:

Change between page tabs: ctrl+Tab

Move to next option: Tab

Move to previous option: shift+tab

Select/deselect check box or radio button: use spacebar

For spinners/sliders/drop down lists: use arrow keys

To close dialog box/menu: Esc key

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