Python Programming
About Lesson

What is a program statement?
A program statement is a line that ends with some termination point and instructs the processor to do something.

How many types of program statements in Python?
Assignment statements
Expressions and conditions
Suits or blocks or compound statements

What is an expression?
An expression is a line that consists of arithmetic operators and operands and usually returns a value got as a result from the evaluation of expression.
Eg: 2+3, (a-b)*2

What are Operators and Operands?
Operator is basically a symbol indicating an operation. Each operator specifying an operation to be done on some number of operands. Operands are the values on which the operation has to be performed.

For example in the arithmetic expression a+b
The + symbol is known as operator
And a,b are known as operands.

Based on the type of operation they perform operators of python are divided into:
Arithmetic Operators
Assignment Operators
Relational Operators
Logical Operators
Bitwise Operators

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