Page Maker 7.0
About Lesson

Inserting New pages:

  1. click on page sheet before or after which pages to be inserted.
  2. layout menuàInsert pages
  3. Enter number of pages
  4. Select before or after
  5. select a master page


  1. open document setup dialog box(ctrl+shift+P)
  2. specify number of pages


  1. click on a page tab
  2. press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+G repeatedly to insert desired number of pages after current page


  1. right click on page tab
  2. select add one page/insert pages


Removing pages:

  1. Right click on any page tab
  2. Select remove pages
  3. Specify number of pages


Change to desired page:

  1. layout menuàGo to (Alt+Ctrl+G)
  2. Enter Page number (or) select a master page


Change between pages:

Use Pageup/Page down buttons


Layout menuàGoBack/Go Forward


Rearranging Pages:

  1. Select any page
  2. Layout menuàSort pages


Changing layout to more than one column:

  1. layout menuàcolumns
  2. specify number of columns and space between columns


Master page determines the layout of the page such that various elements, columns and margins to be maintained.  Each page created based on a master page contains characteristics and elements in its master page.


Creating/Modifying Master pages:

  1. Window MenuàShow Master pages (Shift+ctrl+8)
  2. to change margins and columns of document master double click on document master
  3. to create a new master page: click on arrow at top right corner of master pages paletteàclick on New Master page
  4. Specify margins and colums for new master pageàenter nameàOK


Inserting common content on Master page:

  1. Click on Master tab at left side of page tabs to show master page of your current page
  2. Insert any object on the page
  3. Click on any page tab to come out


Creating threads of text blocks:

  1. Select the text object that contains more than one pageful of text with pointer tool
  2. Click on Red Mark appears at the bottom of text block
  3. Pointer appears as a text filled object
  4. Go to your required page/column
  5. Click/drag with text tool to create thread for previous block
  6. Ctrl+click/drag inserts number of pages required to insert all the content of text block (or) layout menuàautoflow

You cannot copy content of this page