Page Maker 7.0
About Lesson

Pointer tool (F9) can be used to select, resize and move the objects on the screen.


Selecting more than one objects with pointer:

Hold shift and click on each object


drag over by covering all the objects to be selected.


Resizing an object: drag with pointer tool from the corner handles of object.


Moving an Object: place pointer in the middle of object and drag


Control palette options when an object is selected with Pointer tool:

  1. Proxy Points: representatives of surface coordinate points of selected objects
  2. Horizontal/Vertical position of point selected
  3. Width/Height of object
  4. Rotate: positive value rotates in anti clock wise; negative in clock wise
  5. Skew: effect of pushing the object in horizontal direction; positive value pushes towards right; negative value pushes towards left
  6. Flip: alters left and right or top and bottom of the object


All the above options apply to the object with respect to the proxy or base or reference point selected.

Nudge buttons are used to increase or decrease the value in the boxes.  Arrow keys can be used to apply nudge.  Shift+arrows changes to value 10 times more than nudge that was set.  Nudge can be set using preferences.

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