Cursor appears when a text object is being in edit mode. Cursor is the vertical blinking bar that indicates where the next typed in character would appear. We can reposition the cursor with mouse and arrow keys on keyboard. Backspace key erases character left to cursor. Delete key erases character right to cursor
While editing text object, space separates words, full stop separates sentences, continuous typing of words treats as singe paragraph. Pressing Enter key considers as next paragraph. Space, Tab and Enter to be considered as Non-printing or Invisible Characters.
Moving Cursor with Keyboard:
- Use arrow keys to move one character or one line at a time
- Ctrl+Arrows to move one word or one paragraph at a time
- Home key to move to beginning of line
- End key to move to end of line
Text Selection methods with Mouse:
- Drag over the text to be selected
- Double click to select one word at a time
- Triple click to select one paragraph at a time
- click either side of text block to be selected, hold shift and click at other end of text block
Text Selection methods with keyboard:
- hold shift, use arrow keys to select one character at a time
- press home/end, hold shift, press end/home to select one line.
- hold ctrl+shift, and use arrow keys to select one word/paragraph at a time
- ctrl+A to select all
Deselect a selection:
Click inside the text object with type tool
Press any arrow key
Correcting Mistakes: Correcting the mistakes can be done using undo command. This can be seen under Edit menuàUndo (or) press ctrl+z. Undo command can be used cancel last single action in Page Maker. That too, it can work for only few actions. For example, we cannot use undo to remove the color applied to an object.
Revert Command is used to bring back the publication to its last saved version. (File menuàRevert). If you use revert command on a file that is not saved, you may lose your data since it opens a new file.