Page Maker 7.0
About Lesson

The Type tool: Alt+Shift+F1

Different methods to create a Text Object:

Click with Type tool within column guides or pasteboard


Drag with Type tool to specify width of text object


press ctrl+E (EditàEdit story), type your text, press ctrl+E, then place your text object at your required place


The story is the nothing but the inside text of a text object.



Editing Text object:

click inside text object with type tool


select text object with pointer and press Ctrl+E


Come out from text editing mode: activate pointer tool


Paste a cut/copied text multiple times in the text object:

  1. Select an object or text and cut/copy it
  2. Edit menuàPaste Multiple
  3. Enter number of copies to be pasted for text

Enter Horizontal and Vertical Offset along with number of copies for an object

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