PageMaker 7.0 work area will be shown with your file, menu bar, tool bar and palettes.
The pink color lines on your page are margins while the blue color lines are column guides. The color lines won’t get printed. The outside white area of your page is known as Paste Board.
A palette is a small window that provides options are tools for different needs. We can see palettes like Tools palette, colors palette, styles palette etc.
Create a New file or publication
- Open PageMaker Application
- File–>New (or) Ctrl+N
- Click on OK button in the Document Setup Dialog box to specify dimensions for your page
Managing Work Area
show/hide all palettes: Tab
show/hide all palettes except tools: shift+Tab
Show/hide color palette: ctrl+J
Show/hide control palette: ctrl+’ (single quote)
Any palettes can be viewed or hide with the help of Window menu
Change the view of publication:
Fit in Window: ctrl+0
Entire Pasteboard: ctrl+shift+0
100% or actual size: ctrl+1
200% view: ctrl+2
400% view: ctrl+4
50% view: ctrl+5
75% view: ctrl+7
Changing magnification of publication:
zoom in from center of page: ctrl+=
zoom out to center of page: ctrl+-
change the current tool to zoom in tool: hold ctrl+space and click
change to zoom out tool: hold ctrl+alt+space and click
change to hand tool : hold alt +drag