Ms- Word 2007
About Lesson

Inserting Tables

  1. Insert tab–>tables group–>Table button
  2. Drag to specify Number of rows and columns
    Insert tab–>tables group–>Table button–>insert table
  1. specify number of rows and columns
  2. Select autofit behaviour from these options:
    1. Fixed Column width
    2. Autofit to content
    3. Autofit to Window

Draw Table:

  1. Insert tab–>tables group–>Table button–>draw Table
  2. Use draw table icon to draw rows, columns and cells of table as you wish
  3. Use Erase icon to erase parts of table
  4. Line Style, width can be specified
  5. Border Color, Border Style and Shading Color can also be specified

Enter, select and format data in Table:

  1. Click inside a cell of table
  2. Enter data–>tab/arrow
  3. Press Enter to insert text with multiple lines
  4. Hold shift, use arrows to select columns or rows
  5. All font, paragraph formatting options can be applied to data in the cells.
  6. table tool–>table styles group–>use borders button for custom borders; use shading button for custom shading (or) select predefined styles


Resize columns/rows:

Drag column or row within table or on the ruler

Insert/Delete Rows/Columns/Cells:

  1. Click inside a cell (or) select a row/column
  2. right click–>Insert –>Rows above/below (or) column left/right
  3. right click–>Delete–>columns/rows/cells
  4. To delete cells, specify the adjustment to be done for the rest of cells in the table or you can insert/delete entire column/row of current cell

Merging cells into single cell:

  1. Select the cells to be merged
  2. right click–>merge cells

Dividing cells into columns or rows:

  1. Click inside a cell
  2. right click–>split cells
  3. Specify number of rows and columns

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