CPP Programming
About Lesson

If more than one child classes are derived from single parent class then it is known as hierarchical inheritance.

//example code showing how hierarichal inheritance can be established

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


class parent {


    char name[10]=”Rama Rao”;



class son: public parent {


      char hisName[10]=”Raju”;



class daughter: public parent {


    char herName[10]=”Rani”;





int main(void) {

    son sonObj;

    daughter dauObj;


    cout<<“Name of son: “<<sonObj.hisName<<endl;

    cout<<“father name: “<<sonObj.name<<endl;

    cout<<“Daughter name: “<<dauObj.herName<<endl;

    cout<<“father name: “<<dauObj.name<<endl;

    return 0;


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